Saturday, July 19, 2008


So I think almost everyone has thought of this question at one point in their life:

It's not a pleasant image, that is for sure.

It's hard not to take this question in it's literal sense. But not being literal I thought this one was appropriate after the Dad's Balls question. Which then makes you wonder if the last nuts in one ladies hand were her dads.


I think any daughter would have to commit suicide if the last nuts she had in her hand were her dads. But she had to make sure not to kill herself with said nuts.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Sometimes people want to be mythical creatures so we ask:

Hm maybe if you're walking down the street and you go down an alley without looking you might turn into a vampire.

Like point her out for a crime?

Thought those went hand in hand.


Go see The Dark Knight.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Judd Nelson

There comes a time where an actor gently fades into the distance and thats when we ask:

You know that's actually a good question. I think people want to know what happened to the actor who played the antagonist to Shaq in the movie Steel.

Maybe thats why nobody knows where he is, he was in the movie Steel.

You're in time for a nice glass of sterile-ness.

Get it?

You're in. (sound it out)

This is rather depressing. I think everyone has a time when they feel empty and incomplete.

It could also mean they're hungry. Just a thought.

If God isn't watching....

..wait a second he always is. That's gross.

Oh my. That's pretty bad.


"Eat the hot dog, don't be one! " - Judd Nelson as Nathanial Burke in Steel.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Welcome. This blog's sole purpose is to post questions that people have really asked and most of them will make you say "Really?"

So every post will have 4 or 5 questions that I found on the internet, which I find humorous. Feel free to answer them for yourself.

(You can click on the images to view a larger one)

A question that has plagued mankind for centuries.

I like how the parent's phones mysteriously don't work. I think it's a sign that "babysitter" should be a good enough job description for giving suppositories. Someone should tell the asker that some jobs titles are literal.

This sounds like its a tag line for a new product to help with controlling those urges. "Can't stop masturbating? Then try this.."

I wonder if that person literally can't stop. Must be hard to go out in public.

No pun intended.

At least this person is being honest. They are being a little bit racist.

I like how "one of my girlfriends" isn't the issue.


So that's the gist of this blog. Enjoy.